Monday, March 4, 2013

A Spring Musical

It's Monday, and I'm bubbling over with happiness.  Perhaps it's because Richard took the day off yesterday and we had a wonderful, relaxing day as a family.  I'm also truly excited to share that since my last post, THREE more pounds have vanished!  I've discovered how easy and effective an exercise called the plank's really impacting my fitness and strength!  I used to have the attitude that abs and upper body strength just aren't that important.  But truly, they are!  Taking just five minutes each day to pay attention to them has injected a burst of energy and a renewed commitment to my "reducing" plan.

I'm also seriously thrilled to share photos of the results of a very special project I'm blessed to work on every spring.  Of all the work I've done in my life, I know I will always remember with fondness that I was asked to help costume for an elementary school musical in Michigan!  This year, the students are performing Winnie the Pooh!

Here's to hunny, and happiness, and the promise of Spring!


  1. Jenny, I must, with open mouthed awe, tell you how sparkingly perfect your works of art are. You are simply LOADED with talent. That musical is going to be precious.

    And yes, I, too, love the plank, since it kills several birds with one stone. Strong core= strong body! Good for you!!!

    1. Hi Shelly...
      You know it's funny, but I'm very aware of how imperfect these creations are, and to me that's okay! If I tried for perfection, I probably would not have continued. I keep the first paw I ever made because it is such a terrible, sad looking thing. It looks like road kill. One day, I plan to frame it in my office with a little sign underneath about the value of imperfection.
      That being said, I'm smiling at your comment today. Thank you my sweet friend!

  2. You are so talented Jenny - what a lucky, lucky bunch of kids! Is your plank the same as the plank pose in yoga? Please share - I could use all the help I can get!

    1. Hi Karen, yes, it's the dolphin plank pose! Here's a link: I started out only being able to hold it for several seconds, but after two weeks, I can hold it for a minute. My arms shake like crazy, but it really works and hardly takes any time at all. I deplore crunches and I cannot stand sore abs. So I'm starting very gently and working my way to a stronger core without any pain. I hope you find that it's easier and also effective!

    2. blogger is crazy! Why are my words all spaced out like that? I look like a nut. Sorry!

  3. How fun, I love it. :)
    Yay, for your workout. Keep us posted.


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