Thursday, March 28, 2013

Challenges and Stress

I have a new priority: learning to manage stress so that I can feel better.  This is more important to me than achievement or appearance.

I just want to feel peaceful in my heart, and relaxed.  This is how I want to live.

There is one simple solution to this, which is release.  Letting go is the answer.  But I don't remember to do this until my head is spinning out of control and I'm faced with the consequences of emotional disturbance and recovery.  It's a cycle for me.  There's no flat water to float along effortlessly.  Sometimes I have to face the rapids.

Do you ever do this:  when thinking of the weeks ahead, fondly imagine how relaxing it will be to enjoy days of brighter sunlight, long hikes or a fast trail run in the woods followed by a simple meal and a good book?  Days of enjoying the energy of family and evenings snuggled up on the couch?  Perhaps I will look back on my life and remember that I did take time to do all of those satisfying, rewarding things that brought me peace and comfort.  Then again, maybe those memories will get buried under the more exciting times, and I'll remember the highlights of the stressful experience and forget the anxiety.  Perhaps a little stress and excitement is good for a person, but in getting to know myself and my patterns, I realize that I'm not really managing stress very effectively.  It comes out all wrong. More often than I'm willing to admit, it happens that someone who I love either feels neglected or hurt.

I know that I am capable of taking on big challenges, but at what cost?

Recently I accepted a large order for another school musical.  The list of items is staring back at me on a bright yellow paper.  I have three weeks.  It is big.

Three intense weeks.

In my head I am practicing intention, visualizing the project completed on schedule.  This is so important, probably the most important thing I do when I need to finish a big project.  I look at the end result in my mind, every single day.  I see it all laid out in entirety, and know with certainty that it will be achieved.  But what I often forget to do is to visualize myself working and managing life and family in a peaceful manner while I'm working.  I forget to imagine how I will work through distractions and problems and every single detour that crops up.  Navigation is not my strongest skill.   Whenever I begin a project, the project is on my mind all the time, until it's done and I'm released.  When I've completed a set of ten ears, my brain keeps saying, "40 more to go!"

It never lets me rest.

So I look driven.  I act driven.  People sometimes feel like they are in my way.

It's all fear.  This stress is all about those fears "what if I don't have enough time, money, energy, strength...patience."

Maybe I should turn down the work and just go on doing what I was thinking of doing this month, spring cleaning, fitness training, schooling, reading, writing, sitting in my swing chair.

Then again, maybe this project won't be as difficult or as stressful as I'm imagining it to be. Because this time I have more experience and a child who is much older than when I started out in business.

I will probably be absent here for a little while, until I get to a breathing point once again!

I'm curious to know what methods you use to manage stress in your life.  What has worked best when you have a growing list and things just keep popping up?  I'm heading into some rapids and wishing for a glassy lake of calm.


  1. Those things you already mentioned are terrific things. I've found I need just a small pocket of quiet alone time each day (that's why I wake up at 4 AM) to center my thoughts and pray. Working out the stress at the end of the day with exercise has also become one of my go-to tools.

    Your shop is becoming more and more well known, until you reach the point where you might have to hire an assistant!

    Take deep breaths. Force your thoughts to slow down. You can do it!

    1. Shelly, after I wrote this post, I walked upstairs and remembered the most important way to relieve stress. Prayer!
      And I'm so excited that my little business is growing. That feeling makes it so worth it.

  2. Praying for you! You are doing it!! Hang in :-)!!

  3. I agree with Shelley and you: a few minutes each day set aside to center yourself and pray can make all the difference in the world. After that, just set realistic goals for yourself each day. When you reach your goal, STOP. Rest. Relax. Check things off of a list. That always cheers me up! You are so talented, and I know you'll get through this with flying colors.

    1. Thank you Karen! You know, when I am at my machine actually constructing my work, it's kind of like a physical prayer going on. I can't explain it in words, but stuff happens while I'm working that can only be help from above. That is when I really get centered. I can't sit in meditation and feel the same way. So I guess instead of worrying about it, I just need to actually sit down and go to work!

  4. Hi Jenny. Yes, I agree with Shelly. I would say to just concentrate on taking one step or one day at a time, rather than looking at the finished product all the time. Remember to breathe deeply from time to time. If we have a lot to do, it can really overwhelm us at times. That's why I think it really is so important to just take it a day at a time. I find that it really does take some of the pressure off. But then - what do I know?! You can do it my friend. Hugs.


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