Friday, April 22, 2011

Trading Up

I'm not really a celebrity fanatic, but I have always admired the work of Patch Adams. Today is a happy day because as I was learning to appreciate twitter, I discovered that Patch is now following me back!!/kneesandpaws

There is something great happening inside me lately.  It's not just spring weather.  It's the influence of healthy, happy people. 

I used to be so serious about everything.  So determined.  So desperate for change.

And wow, have I changed.  I traded north for south.  Catholic for Quaker.  Cigarettes for coffee.  Now I'm trying to change Coffee for Tea.  Books for computer (is that good????)  Depression for Happy, Worry for Acceptance.  Shy for Outgoing.

Have you traded something that makes you feel better lately?   I'd love to know how this made a difference.


  1. I have shared before on my blog about how "Odie" has changed since last June when I started blogging. Before I used a thumbdrive and updated it daily with feelings and emotions which were usually negative. After starting my blog I began meeting great people all over this tiny world and they inspired, encouraged and made me feel good about "Odie". I started returning the favor and my world has not been the same since. Now I do not want to know what I would do without my blog family. Some are closer than actual friends and as of this morning I have 102 following this simple blog which still blows me away. Have a wonderful friday my friend.

  2. i started my blog to document ron's health struggles. i fully expected him to die at any time (especially summer 2008) and i wanted a record of what went on during that timeframe. i think i've mostly changed the negative posts for more positive posts (i know that's not always true, but i'm trying).


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