Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Product Development and Friendship Development

I am excited to share the following with my blogging friends.  After realizing that I needed to spend time working on product development, with a little tinkering I have discovered a way to make Knees and Paws using natural products.  Unfortunately I do not have a picture to share with you quite yet as I completed the first set late last night.
This great discovery is happening just in time for Earth Day on April 22!  I didn't plan it, but will simply say that things happen when they are supposed to happen on a time schedule that I really don't control.
 I was inspired to try working with natural materials after having a conversation with a new friend I've met locally.  This friend was helpful to me in many ways, and did not give direct advice but encouraging support.  I appreciate her enthusiasm for Knees and Paws and for sharing her knowledge of healthy lifestyle choices.  Yesterday I enjoyed the most delicious lunch at her home, which included an amazing bread with no yeast and goat cheese, which I loved! 
Elliot also enjoyed his visit in our new friend's home, and surprised me by saying a prayer of thanks for "letting that happen."  Meaning, thanks for an invitation to lunch in the home of a friend.  At that moment  I realized how amazing my son is all over again.  Because he's more thrilled with being invited to play at a family's home than he is if we go somewhere publicly like the park or the movies.  Being with a new family in their home is special.  It's intimate and loving.  It's interesting.  You have the chance to  learn a little about how other people live and work.  You feel connected.
So life is good and sweet and beautiful these days.  I'm looking forward to making changes in the shop.   I'm even thinking of building up enough stock to fill a booth for our indie craft market downtown.  Which means more time at my machine:)


  1. So excited for your new products! And what a special outing, and sweet boy... :)


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