Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend Adventures

It's been a weekend worth writing about.  The highlights are as follows:

Richard asked me for the books I'd been keeping on the business so he could start the taxes.  Imagine his surprise to realize that my method consisted of :

A.  throwing all receipts, in no particular order, into a blue expandable folder
B.  saving lots of expensive printer ink by not printing out all the sales transactions
C.  keeping a ledger that was pristine...not a spot of ink to be found on any page.

So, a beautiful Saturday was spent at the dining room table sorting everything out while he patiently, but firmly made me enter every single item and calculate to the last penny.  I am now going to do everything on an excel spreadsheet.   I discovered  that it's not terribly difficult.  Maybe proper accounting will help me to do what I must: show a profit....or ELSE.

I faced my fear.  I came to terms with it.  I conquered ignorance with the help of my husband.  Then I made plans to visit my best friend from high school.

Sandie is one of the truly great people in this world.  She's in the process of planning her wedding.  Before leaving to see her, I ironed and gift wrapped my veil to offer her "something borrowed."  We had a wonderful time together.  After showing me around her lovely home, we took off for the mall and shopped for new clothes.  After finding some fantastic items, we had dinner at a Mexican restaurant near her home.

I ordered a sizzling pan of fajitas.  I ate several.  Then, all of a sudden, I got dizzy and felt ill.

I went to the restroom, but nothing.

I got in her car.  She drove a little while.   Then I asked her to please pull over, I wasn't feeling well.

She stopped.  I opened the door and proceeded to release the entire contents of my stomach.

We laughed our heads off at this event. 

When I got home safely after a two hour drive with no further episodes, my husband laughed his head off saying that I'd revived my college nickname "puke monster."

But no drinking was involved.  I'm still wondering what happened.  Was it food poisoning? An allergy?  I have no idea.  A random embarrassing episode to top off a perfectly wonderful weekend dong math and being in the dog house.

I never thought that I would say this, but thank God it's Monday!

1 comment:

  1. arghhh taxes and paperwork and it all makes my brain hurts! Lucky for me Dave takes care of it all. I print everything out and put it in the folder and he takes it from there :)

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friend... besides the getting sick part.. thankfully it was not a weekend full of being sick.

    Hope you are feeling 100% and that you have an awesome week!


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