Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What to say on those Bio- thingies

I struggle with knowing what to BRIEFLY say about myself on those bio-thingies.  It was suggested to me that I might want to revise my Etsy bio.  I'm glad that I looked at it again because it was a terrible paragraph about the product that said nothing about me, the person.
It now looks like this:

I'm the mom of two great kids living in the second best city in the USA.   My husband works on airplanes all day while I homeschool our youngest.  Most days, we enjoy working on science projects, reading books, playing with the cat and dog and hiking the nearby trails.
Two years ago,  I lost my father to cancer.  This event helped me to realize that it was time to take a more active role in shaping my life.  Knees and Paws were created during that terrible time when dad's cancer made us all feel helpless and sad.  I needed something bright and hopeful to fill the void.


   Today I also read Esquire's interview with Liam Neeson.  He shares that he ran away from his grief after losing his beautiful wife, Natasha Richardson.  He says that burying himself in work only delayed the grief.  Unexpectedly, he has developed a close relationship with Natasha's poodle.  While in the city,  he's afraid to be photographed with the dog, but on the farm they are inseparable.  Two friends brought together in their loss.

It helped me to remember that I'm not sure that I've properly grieved my dad's death.          

So I don't know if it will one day smack me unexpectedly.   Perhaps I have been defiant and in denial. 


  1. I am truly sorry that you your dad passed away 2 years ago Jenny. Two years is still very early days really . If you ever feel like writing about him and perhaps letting us see a photo, I know that we would be delighted. It might help you a little too. It's horrible when we lose our mum or dad. Both mine have now gone, and I still miss them. Take care.

  2. I struggle with what to say on the bio things. I want to share enough to sound interesting..I sort of ramble through it like I do everything else.. I had to change it the other day.. had said something about having 5 teenagers... but only 2 of them still are teenagers. It is all a mess...I plan to redo it regularly until something feels right.

  3. I understand about the bios. How much is enough and how much is too much. Sometimes I'll read other bios and make notes of things I like and dislike and try to incorporate those things into mine.
    Sorry about your father. I don't think we're ever ready to lose our parents. My Dad is 74 and I looked at him last year when he fell asleep sitting in a chair, noticing his thin gray hair and wrinkled face and wondered, "When did this happen?"

    Grieving isn't something that can be conjured up because you know it's important to do. But when the thoughts, feelings, and sad moments come take time to feel them. Think about good times, and things you appreciated about him, and lessons learned. My husband's father died 17 years ago and we still miss him.


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