Friday, February 25, 2011

Rain, Release and Little Wonders

Spring is beginning to arrive here.  While we still have the occasional cold day, lately we are experiencing a gradual warming trend.  The daffodils are starting to come up while the camelias release their tightly held buds.
This means a change for all of us.  Because our summers are intolerably humid and hot, we have to cram as much outdoor activity as possible into spring and fall.  Here lies the real benefit of home school freedom.  Today we will go out and walk in the rain.
This morning's early shower brings a sense of peace and calm.  Everything is quiet.  I'm not motivated to do anything stressful.  But the more I think about why I love a rainy day, I realize that it is because rain is a metaphor for release. 
If rain is a metaphor for release, then clouds are a metaphor for mood.
My life is healthier and bright because I'm learning to release the things that make me stormy inside.  When my family failed to understand my situation over the holidays, the complexity of everyone's feelings forced me into dumbfounded silence.  Thankfully, after several tough weeks, I was able to release it and let time heal it.  Let God sort it out.  While it was painful at the time, releasing the situation has now brought peace and healing.  For once I let it all go through me. I let it rain.


  1. How beautiful to see those little signs of spring starting to appear. Not quite happening here in England yet, but I know that the next few weeks will bring a real difference to the garden, and the daffodils will start to appear, and all will suddenly seem right with the world!!

  2. We were in the middle of spring coming.. little buds on the trees and flowers starting to poke their way up through the dirt.. now we under a foot of snow and in a deep freeze.. I do not expect it to last too long though :)

    I love rain ( thankfully since we live in the PNW and it is always wet here ) but to me a good walk in the rain is like a good cleansing... I always feel like a good rain washes everything clean and I can start anew.

    I am glad things are good for you and that you are having peace and healing, it is a wonderful thing to feel :) *hugs*


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