Friday, January 13, 2012

Blogging and Identity

One strand of thought that runs through this blog is related to my unresolved identity crisis.  Post modernists would say we all suffer from the condition of the fragmented identity.  I think this must be a Western way of thinking.  Recently I've had a serious craving for poetry and am rediscovering my love for that 13th century street rapper, Rumi.  Rumi says that only a complete personal disolving into the larger energies of God can bring the satisfaction that the heart so desperately seeks.

There was never any need to be a single me, and better to be a whole lot of little things that blend and flow and mesh.  Like a phytoplankton bloom on the surface of the ocean. 

Discovering my blogging friends has helped me to feel a part of the larger energies of God.

They are unexpectedly thrilling, deep, lighthearted, soul filling connections.

Today I want to thank Diane at Southhamsdarling for a comment she made months ago when I was once again whining about "who am I, really?"  She commented, "what I really think you want to do is teach."

And it was true.  So even without all the formal certifications to do so, I made a proposal to teach a writing workshop at my local Y.  Today I am expecting a class of seven kids!

And blogging for me has been enriching in so many other ways.  Recently I posted a comment for Sush at First Do No Harm and said that blogging has made me aware of other people in an electrifying way.  I can see people in the grocery store and suddenly recognize that there's a whole life of experiences within that person, cleverly disguised under their outer appearance.  Of course this is obvious that people have life experiences, but what I mean to say is that I have a heightened awareness to it now.  The lady with the green bag in aisle three is as complex and interesting, or sadly as boring, as me.

Through blogging I have discovered Shelly at La Tejana.  Shelly feels like a kindred spirit and I'm in love with her writing, her stories of life, school and her enthusiasm for people.  I would love for her to be my mentor and my close friend.

And Tom at Shady Dell Music and Memories.  I know that almost everyone here loves him too!  Through him I'm listening more and rumi-nating less.  I'm learning to love music that I never even knew existed.  And that story of the Dell...I long to see it on the big screen!  And I wonder what ever happened to his good friend Gilly.

I used to whine about not having many friends.  I thought that people in the south were turned off my my northern accent.  Although it's not quite Canadian or Yooper, it is something distinctly north and I've yet to assimilate with phrases of "y'all" and "you do the same."    Ten years into my exile, and I can stand in line in the Post Office and be confronted with "you're not from around here are ya?"

No, I'm not from around here.  But I got here as fast as I could!


  1. You listed three of the greatest bloggers I know of, Jenny, three mutual friends who have transformed the quality of my life, your life and the lives of many others. We all seem to be taking stock at this point in time, giving thanks for the people who have come into our orbit, jarred us awake, and led us to a higher level of awareness. We are all teachers. We are all students. We are many things, not one thing.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Jenny!

  2. You overflow with a generosity of soul and spirit I wish I had in the abundance you do. You leave people feeling better whether it's through your own posts or commenting on theirs. I consider You my close friend already and am thrilled if there's anything I can pass on to you, but I think you've already got this teaching thing down pat.

    Those kiddoes today are going to love what you bring to them. Kids are experts at recognizing creativity in adults, and yours is going to draw them in like a magnet to steel.I can't wait to hear how it goes.

    And that southern thing- it's a state of mind rather than where you were born or how you talk. You, my friend, are more southern in the best sense of the definition than many who were born and raised in the heart of Dixie.

  3. Your writing is beautiful Jenny, and this is another great post. Loved that last sentence - "But I got here as fast as I could!" Love it. You have certainly mentioned three wonderful blogging friends in this post. They are blessings to all of us, and I so agree that through blogging, we can look at others and know that they too carry around whole life experiences. I was so thrilled to read on facebook about your increase in numbers. Yay! Wonderful news indeed. We are all made up of a myriad of different parts, and that makes each and every one of us unique. " But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don't be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows" - Luke 12:7.

  4. I agree with you - isn't it lovely to "meet" all of these blogger friends from all over, with such different experiences than yours? It's quite changed my perspective on things for the better.


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